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#500: Why Time Stress Is Crippling Your Success with Marie Forleo

September 22, 2022

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How to go from being stressed about time to a time genius 

Have you ever felt like no matter how many hours you put into your business, you’re just not doing enough? 

You’re hustling from the beginning of your day until the very end, but despite the fact that you’re running on empty, you still feel like you’ve got to do more. 

If this sounds familiar, you sweet friend, are not alone. 

You’ve fallen into what my guest in this episode, Marie Forleo, calls the time stress trap, which is the belief that if you're not producing 24/7, you don't want your dreams bad enough.

This, my friend, is extremely toxic — and unfortunately as business owners, we are conditioned to believe that we’ve got to be going non-stop in order to achieve any sort of success. 

I know I’ve been there before, and so has Marie — who once became so paralyzed by her own time stress that her body started to shut down. 

In this episode, Marie tells her story of overcoming time stress, and shares specific strategies that you can use to find freedom and spaciousness in your schedule.

  • How to become a master prioritizer and better manage your time
  • Ways to stay grounded and focused during your busiest times
  • Different mantras to support you when things get really stressful

… And so much more. So if you ever feel like you’ve been on the toxic time treadmill, pause — take a deep breath — and listen to this episode.

Here’s a glance at this episode…

  • [09:05] Marie is obsessed with the concept of time because she's passionate about her business and wants to get as much done as possible.
  • [10:48] In 2020, she began to feel massively exhausted and like she was losing her passion. No matter how many hours she put in, it was never enough. 
  • [12:51] Most people don't realize that their innermost thoughts about time have the power to create one of two vastly different worlds.
  • [13:06] It’s easy to get caught up in the toxic treadmill of never-ending stress, frustration, and always feeling behind. Marie discovered that a large portion of her audience was also experiencing this level of exhaustion. 
  • [15:43] Signs of time stress include: Waking up and feeling like you have so much to do that you don't know where to start, constantly working but feeling like you’re not making progress, and feeling guilty when you take a break.
  • [17:35] Become an expert at prioritizing. When you know what’s important, you can ignore what’s not. Clarify what's actually important at this season of your life.
  • [20:03] The opposite of time stress is being a time genius. This is where you know what’s important, and you focus on that. 
  • [23:21] If you have a busy day coming up, communicate that to the people in your life. Set yourself up for success by having everything prepped, and making a success plan the night before.
  • [34:12] You can have a healthier, happier relationship with time by realizing that you are in control of what you do with it. 
  • [37:11] Marie’s time genius mantras: “When you know it's important, it's a lot easier to ignore what's not;” “There's always time for what's most important;” “I don't do overwhelm.”
  • [42:39] Time Genius is Marie's program to help people struggling with overwhelm. It's a five-part framework that people go through in five days. 
  • [45:14] Time genius helps you remake your time mindset, clarify what's most important, and set yourself up for the highest levels of success.

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