Made easy


#515: Behind-the-Scenes Of My Latest DCA Launch: The Highs, Lows, & Magical Moments

November 15, 2022

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How we got scrappy, rallied together, and did something we’ve never done before in the history of my business

If you’ve ever been through a digital course launch, you know that it’s usually an ‘all hands on deck’ sort of situation. 

Things are happening fast. You’re making split-second decisions. And whether you’ve got a team of two or 20, everybody is in the trenches with you. 

I’ve been through more course launches than I can count on two hands, and as much prep as my team and I do to make sure everything goes smoothly, there’s always a few things that don’t go according to plan. 

But guess what? Those little hiccups — where you’re forced to get creative (and a little scrappy) — are what create the magic.

Not only do you learn a ton in the process of troubleshooting, but there’s a really incredible energy and camaraderie that’s created amongst the team. 

In this episode, my Director of Customer Experience, Josh, joins me for a behind-the-scenes recap of our September 2022 Digital Course Academy launch — our largest launch of the year.

You’ll get an honest look at our best moments, our toughest moments, the magical ones, and everything in between.

Here’s a glance at this episode…

  • [03:30] We got a flood of emails during our launch. Josh and his team answered over 7,000 emails in 9 days.
  • [05:32] The customer experience department also fielded over 600 concierge phone calls. 
  • [09:16] We got scrappy, and everybody jumped in to help. We created a support schedule and had ‘power hours.’ 
  • [12:39] You’ve got to make answering emails a priority, otherwise you’re leaving money on the table.
  • [14:02] During a launch, it’s important to have people around you that will give you pep talks to help change your mindset when things get stressful.
  • [18:57] When you need to close a gap, I recommend that you DSD, or do something different. 
  • [22:07] It's okay to pivot during a launch when you see a need. Trying new things and experimenting is always a great thing.

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Expert interviews, mini-execution plans, and intimate behind-the-scenes secrets from my biggest launches… all tied together by our mutual mission to make EVERYTHING you learn as simple, profitable, and FUN as possible.

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