Made easy


#595: Is 1-on-1 Work Holding You Back? How to Help More People (& Make More Money!) with an Online Course

August 3, 2023

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Scale your impact without maxing out your calendar

Imagine this scenario. You’re a business owner who works one-on-one with clients. You love what you do, you have a lot of knowledge to share, and you’re making money. Most of all, you love the feeling you get from helping your clients achieve their goals. 

But the thing is, you’re starting to get the feeling that one-on-one work is holding back your growth potential. 

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase ‘time is money’ — and in a lot of business models, this old saying rings true because your ability to change more lives and make more money is totally dependent upon the number of hours in the day.

But the thing is, it doesn’t have to be like this — and creating a digital course is one way that you can significantly scale your impact and your income without maxing out your calendar.

Take it from me. When I first started my business, I worked one-on-one with clients as a social media consultant. Not only was I stressed beyond belief, but there was a cap on my income potential and how many people I could help.

Transitioning my business from client work to selling digital courses has allowed me to make more money, create more impact, and live a life that’s completely on my terms. 

So if you’ve ever been curious whether this type of business model is limiting your growth potential, then pay close attention to this episode.

In it, I share four telltale signs that one-on-one work is holding you back, along with true stories of how some of my DCA Students have scaled their businesses with a digital course. 

Happy listening! 

Here’s a glance at this episode…

  • [04:16] The first sign 1-on-1 work is holding you back is that you technically work for yourself, but you still feel burnt out. 
  • [07:09] Online courses allowed me to step away from my laptop and live the life I truly want to live. I can continue to make money even when I walk away.
  • [10:10] Jessica Burke had so many 1-on-1 clients that she became burnt out. She realized she could put all of her sleep knowledge into a digital course.
  • [14:02] Natasha B Beauty Junky Monkey does 30-minute consultations over Zoom. She then puts together a beauty routine. She's booked out until October.
  • [16:19] Even if what you're doing is working well, imagine how you could serve in an even bigger way.
  • [16:58] The second sign is that you feel there's a cap on your income because you've completely maxed out your time. 
  • [20:21] Yoga teacher Kelly McHugh was limited by her studio space. She started a course showing other instructors how to set up a successful yoga website.
  • [23:10] The third sign is if you have an extremely inconsistent workload. A digital course is a great way to even out your revenue.
  • [26:23] Dog walker Corrine Gerheard leveraged her Goldendoodle expertise to scale her business. She started a podcast and a digital course.
  • [28:15] The last sign is feeling discouraged that you're not able to help more people. 
  • [30:35] Casey McGuire Davidson wanted to help more women with their sobriety issues. Creating a digital course enabled her to scale. 
  • [31:26] Darcie Milfeld was a coach helping people break the paycheck to paycheck cycle. With a digital course, her impact was 2 to 3 times more.
  • [33:36] 1-on-1 work could be holding you back if you feel burnt out and overwhelmed, you've hit an income cap, you have an inconsistent workload, and you feel discouraged that you can't help more people.

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