Made easy


#632: How To Craft The Perfect Digital Course Module From Scratch

December 7, 2023

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Keep your students’ motivated and engaged by crafting seamless modules for your digital course.

While I typically talk about marketing on this podcast, today, I’m taking a beat to focus on the heart of your thriving online business – your exceptional product. In my case, of course, this is digital courses. But even more than that, it’s my seamless digital course modules. 

Trust me, you can’t just throw content together and hope it sticks. Designing the best digital course is all about organizing it in a way that delivers a transformation so smoothly that your students soak it up like a sponge! 

Oh, and I’m not just scratching the surface, my friends. I’m deep-diving into the art and science behind designing the perfect modules that are sure to leave a lasting impression on your students. 

In this episode, I cover: 

  • 3:08: Why you need to design course modules in the first place
  • 7:30: How to get your students into action throughout every step of your course 
  • 13:32: Top frameworks for upleveling the course value 
  • 18:53: Simple strategies for supercharging engagement 
  • 28:51: The easiest way to keep your students motivated and help them make progress through the course 
  • 31:24: Tips for incorporating content for every learning style

Listen in and consider this episode your golden ticket to creating top-notch digital course modules. Your students and your business will thank you! 

Click here to listen!

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