Real stories from one of a kind business owners who started with courage and ended with successful digital courses.

Results are not guaranteed. Please see earnings disclaimer for more detail.

A few years back while working in the school system, I started offering in-person private fitness coaching as a little side gig. And to get clients, I started an Instagram account with short workout videos, as well as tips and tricks on how to lose the “dad bod.”

Then we all know what happened in 2020… And even though I was still busy working with my kids online, I had some spare time.

So I concentrated on building my online audience by posting more content for everyone working out at home. And that’s when people started asking for online private fitness coaching.

First I signed up for Amy’s List Builders Society. And it was awesome! Then when Digital Course Academy opened up in April of 2021, I signed up for that too.

DCA teaches all the moving parts of becoming a successful course creator, including how to host a webinar, what specific email sequences you need, and more!

I attended EVERY Q&A session Amy hosted. Those were invaluable because when other students in DCA asked questions, I learned things I never would have thought to ask.

Speaking of the community, it’s like no other – SO supportive AND engaging!

And I also purchased Amy’s webinar slides. (I made them more manly, of course.) But I loved that the content was all there ready for me!

Armed with the trainings, tools, resources, and community – ALL included in DCA – I launched my course for busy dads who want to go from dad bod to fit dad.

Even though the first launch was not as successful as I wanted it to be, I DID make back my investment. And I now have a new skill that I’ll never unlearn. (Nobody can ever take away this skill from me!)

As Amy says: You gotta keep fine-tuning, change the sales pitch, and make little tweaks until you figure out what works.

And I have!

My record-breaking month brought in over $40K in sales. And my total revenue so far has surpassed $300,000! (Way beyond my school system salary!)

I didn’t just stop at creating a digital course, I also started a podcast!

My Instagram account is now at over 100K followers! And I have NEVER paid for ads!

And even though my course is technically evergreen, I still do monthly and quarterly promotions with lead magnets, challenges, and webinars to get everyone excited.

In less than a year after signing up for DCA, even though I was making a great living as a school vice principal, I got to tell my wife that I wanted to quit to go all in on digital courses! I was able to leave the school system and concentrate on building my business, while simultaneously being Mr. Mom to my three girls.

(Let’s just say I won my wife over after saying I would stay home with the kids 🙂… and because I’d be making great money while doing it!)

We don’t need day care, and I get to take my two oldest to school every morning. I had previously been missing out by having to be at work by a certain time every day, but not anymore.

This time with my kiddos is priceless, and I am beyond grateful that I get to enjoy every moment AND run a successful business that I love too.

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More Stories Like This

Every journey starts with one step. If the questions “who am I to create a course?” or “where do I even start?” are coming up for you, know that they came up for every single successful course creator you see on this page.

Whether you’ve never owned a business before, you have no idea what your course would be about, or you’re totally allergic to tech — we ALL start somewhere. What matters most is your willingness to put one foot in front of the other.

Each of these course creators started with one thing: THE COURAGE TO TRY

Ready to do the same?

If committing to creating and launching a course feels equivalent to climbing Kilimanjaro, listen up…

    i'm ready, sign me up

Earnings Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our programs and the educational value they provide. However, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. When we present revenue and sales figures on our website and our other channels, we are showcasing exceptional results, which do not reflect the average experience. You should not rely on any revenue, sales, or earnings information we present as any kind of promise, guarantee, or expectation of any level of success or earnings. Your results will be determined by a number of factors over which we have no control, such as your financial condition, experiences, skills, level of effort, education, and changes within the market. Running an online business carries risks, and your use of any information contained on this website is at your own risk. Subject to our Refund Policy, we provide content without any express or implied warranties. By continuing to use our site and access our content, you agree that we are not responsible for any decision you may make regarding any information presented or as a result of purchasing any of our products or services. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request.

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