Made easy


#184: How She Did It: From a Webinar False Start to a $30,000 Success Story

November 8, 2017

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Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss:

  • I’ve talked extensively about my epic fails with webinars—and I’ve also shared how I picked myself back up, practiced a ton—experimented—and just went for it. It wasn’t any different for my friend, video rockstar Luria Petrucci, who has an incredible webinar success story that you need to hear.
  • I want this episode to inspire you to take action on your own webinars. Because if Luria can do it (and spend only $600 on Facebook ads in the process!), you can too.
  • If you are a student of my Webinars That Convert®️ program, this is the episode for YOU as Luria (a fellow student) highlights exactly which tips and insights worked well for her.
  • And if you don’t have anything to sell yet, you can use the exact strategy Luria used to put an offer out there. 

You may remember Luria from Episode 168 (The Easy Start Guide to Live Video), and I know I don’t usually bring guests back so quickly. But after hearing Luria’s story I knew you had to hear it too! So get ready. I really want you to take everything Luria learned to heart and think about how YOU can stretch yourself with webinars to get to the crazy results she proved weren’t so crazy after all. Also: Make sure you stay until the very end to learn how Luria kept her webinar attendees super engaged!

Check out these highlights:

  • Why Luria was skittish about doing webinars at first. [2:30]
  • How “stealing” made Luria thousands of dollars on her webinar. [9:05]
  • How to align your content with your offer. [11:14]
  • Get a detailed walk-through of Luria’s amazing results after her webinar strategy overhaul (and a little mix-up with conversion rate numbers!). [17:30]
  • Our big-game changer webinar strategy. [24:58]
  • The best way to get your audience to connect with you on a deeper level and want to take the next step. [29:47]
  • Struggling with your own webinars? Luria has a few final thoughts. [36:50]

Results are not guaranteed. Please see earnings disclaimer for more detail.

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